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Film Ernesto Hoost - One More
Sep 11, 2014 Ernesto Hoost, een van de beste K-1 vechters die Nederland ooit heeft gehad, stapt op 19 oktober weer terug in de ring om de strijd aan te gaan met zijn oude rivaal Peter Aerts - ook een van de meest befaamde vechters. Een klein en gemotiveerd team van filmmakers willen hem volgen naar Japan, om de strijd vast te leggen op film en eindelijk een korte documentaire over Ernesto en zijn leven als een kick-bokser te maken.
Zie onderstaande link voor meer informatie over het project. Om de film te kunnen maken hebben ze jullie hulp nodig. Je kan de film steunen met een donatie in ruil voor een beloning en door DEZE link te delen!
When we came across this project we really felt we had to support and share it with you. Ernesto Hoost, you all know him as one of the best fighters K-1 and Holland ever had. On October 19th, he will step into the ring against his long time rival Peter Aerts - one of the most decorated fighters. A small and motivated crew of filmmakers want to follow him to Japan, capture the fight on film and finally make a short documentary about Ernesto and his life as a kick-boxer.
To find out more about the project, please see the link below. You can support the film by sharing THIS link and when you donate you get a reward in return!
When we came across this project we really felt we had to support and share it with you. Ernesto Hoost, you all know him as one of the best fighters K-1 and Holland ever had. On October 19th, he will step into the ring against his long time rival Peter Aerts - one of the most decorated fighters. A small and motivated crew of filmmakers want to follow him to Japan, capture the fight on film and finally make a short documentary about Ernesto and his life as a kick-boxer.
To find out more about the project, please see the link below. You can support the film by sharing THIS link and when you donate you get a reward in return!