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Jon Jones en UFC verklaringBron foto:

Jon Jones en UFC verklaring

Sep 30, 2015 Jon Jones mag van geluk spreken gezien de uitspraak van gister. Jones zal gevangenisstraf ontlopen en is veroordeeld tot een voorwaardelijk straf. Nu heeft zowel de UFC als Jones een verklaring afgelegd op de straf die hem is opgelegd. Een keurige reactie die ongetwijfeld door iemand anders is geschreven want zijn eerste reactie zou wel iets in de trant zijn van: YES! I’M NOT GOING TO JAIL!

Verklaring UFC

"The UFC organization is aware that Jon Jones reached a plea agreement with authorities in Albuquerque, New Mexico this morning stemming from charges associated with a motor vehicle accident earlier this year. As a result, UFC, through Las Vegas-based law firm Campbell & Williams, will thoroughly review the agreement before discussing Jones' possible reinstatement to return to competition.

More information will be made available following completion of this review."

Jones verklaring

OFFICIAL JON "BONES" JONES STATEMENT With regards to today's decision made by the court, I am very happy to now be able to put this incident behind me. My actions have caused pain and inconvenience in the lives of others and for that I am truly sorry and I accept full responsibility. I have been working hard during this time away from my sport to grow and mature as a man and to ensure that nothing like this happens again. I have learned a great deal from this situation and I am determined to emerge a better person because of it. I apologize to those who were affected by my actions in this incident and I am hopeful that I will be given the opportunity to redeem myself in the eyes of the public, my family and friends as well as my supporters. I am not sure what the future holds for me but I plan to continue to do the work needed to be productive and successful in every aspect of my life. "