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Nieuwe reactie Bas Rutten over Alistiar Overeem!

Bas Rutten postte via Twitter over 'de zaak Overeem' en dit were uiteraard geretweet.... In the meantime, here's Bas Rutten's answer to the question of whether or not it was true that UFC title contender Alistair Overeem had no-showed a court hearing over charges that he pushed a woman in the face in a Las Vegas hotel lobby: "I haven't heard anything about that, I don't even wanna know, haha, but I am not surprised to hear this, because he's very busy right now, busy trying to recruit other fighters from Golden Glory and become their manager. In Holland you have a website "" and it has a forum on there, Gokhan Saki posted there: 'Alistair, I respect your choice leaving GG, and I hope you respect my choice to stay with them and not going in on your request to leave them and go with you. I will stay with GG till the end of my career'.   Errol Zimmerman joined in on that thread, 'Hey Alistair, this is very low what you are doing right now, I hope you soon will start Kick Boxing again so that I can beat you up, success with Githa, I can't wait for a rematch against him'. (Apparently Overeem has Githa as well I understand from this?) He tried to take Nieky Holzken away as well, but he had the same reply as Saki, 'I’m happy with GG, why would I leave'?   For what I hear, Dion Staring and Siyar Bahadurzada left Golden Glory now as well, but everybody could see that one coming since they are all training together here in the US for a while now and they want to be in the UFC. So he's working on his future, which is smart, whether he does it the right way or not, that's for everybody else to decide, like I said, I stay out of it, no personal thoughts from me. Whether it's smart not to show up in court for shoving a woman in the face (has to be proven first of course), that's another thing. I remember a story with Russell Crowe, when he hit a hotel clerk in the face with a phone, he had to pay this guy $100,000 (I heard a LOT more behind closed doors) and if he didn't, he was not allowed film in the US anymore since he's from Australia. And since Overeem is also not from the US but 'works' here as well, I would first pay attention to THAT problem, show the judge that you care by showing up, and then continue to build a future here in the States. I hope he at least send a lawyer?"