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Conor McGregor lanceert zijn Bron foto:

Conor McGregor lanceert zijn "Proper Twelve" whiskey

Sep 17, 2018 De Ierse superster kondigde na zijn bokspartij tegen legende Floyd Mayweather aan een whiskey op de markt te gaan brengen en dat is nu gelukt met Proper Twelve.

Conor McGregor lanceerde vandaag zijn whiskey merk "Proper Twelve".  Na het succes in de kooi en kleding blijft de Ier uitbreiden en bevindt zich nu in de whiskey business. Hij kondigde dit al aan na zijn bokspartij tegen Floyd Mayweather maar het merk is nu oficieel te koop.

Proper Twelve is uiteraard een echte Ierse whiskey en een fles heeft een bescheiden prijs van $24.99. McGregor zal van de opbrengst tot 1 miljoen per jaar doneren aan first responder organisaties en goede doelen. 

“Born and bred in the Dublin suburb of Crumlin, Dublin 12. Proper Twelve is who I am. I wanted to make an Irish whiskey emblematic of Irish culture as a whole, and something that would showcase the great skill we possess of distilling the best Whiskey in the entire world.”

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Proud day! Today “Project Notorious” finally comes to life with the introduction of my new Irish Whiskey; Proper 12. I have spent a lifetime studying this craft under the tutelage of my late Grandfather on my mother’s side, Christopher “Jakes” Moore, and I have put just over 3 years into the making of this liquid alone. I introduce to you @ProperWhiskey! Proper Irish Whiskey, from a Proper Irish man! Born and bred in the Dublin suburb of Crumlin, Dublin 12. Proper Twelve is who I am. I wanted to make an Irish whiskey emblematic of Irish culture as a whole, and something that would showcase the great skill we possess of distilling the best Whiskey in the entire world. One of the many amazing skills we possess on this great island. Proper Twelve is crafted at Ireland’s oldest distillery. It is made with the Isle’s freshest spring water and finest golden grain and single malt – it is pure liquid gold! This is Ireland’s whiskey, and it is my gift to the world. Another proud announcement for me in this venture is that with each case we sell, my company will donate to the first responders in each district the case is sold in. This donation plan will be in operation all over the world. These are the men and women who run into buildings while everyone else is running out. They are our real life heroes – Proper Heroes I look forward to joining all of you in a PROPER salute soon. Sláinte